FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Required Web Browser
Google Chrome for Windows, Mac, or Linux
Internet Explorer 8+ for Windows
Netscape 7.1+ for Windows, Mac, or Linux
Mozilla 1.4+ for Windows, Mac, or Linux
Firefox 0.8+ for Windows, Mac, or Linux
Safari 1.2.1+ for Mac

Web Browser Encryption
service.stageeventlight.se requires SSL-3 Strong Encryption (at least 128 bits) to ensure the security of your personal information. Please ensure your browser has the appropriate security settings configured to ensure proper operation with our online service.

Session Cookies Enabled
In order to use this application, your browser must be configured to allow session cookies. The applications running on service.stageeventlight.se depend on this type of cookie to function properly.

The session cookies used by this application should not be confused with persistent cookies. Session cookies exist only temporarily in the memory of the web browser and are destroyed as soon as the web browser is closed. The session cookies used on this site are not used to associate users of the IRS site with an actual person.

JavaScript Enabled
JavaScript should be turned on in your browser settings so you can use all the features available in this online application.

If you need assistance with ensuring these settings are in place, please contact your Internet Service Provider or the manufacturer of your web browser software.

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